How I really feel about being bald

(Reading time: 4 mins)

Now don’t get me wrong, if offered the chance to have the luscious locks of my early 20s, I would accept with open arms. No questions asked. Welcome home.

If a wicked witch approached with a bright red apple in hand, promising me the vibrancy and shine of years gone by, I would not need the same coercing as Snow White! I would have many bites, and be happy doing so.

If presented with a blue pill and a red pill. Blue – the story ends, I wake up with a head of hair rivaled only by Mr Beckham himself and believe whatever I want to believe. Red – I stay in wonderland, and see how deep my hairline can go. I’m choosing blue all day long. I’m blue-dah-ba-dee…

At this point in The Matrix film, all the red pill offers is “the truth, nothing more.” And the truth is, while I would much rather have hair – the same old ginger crown as before, straight, static and slicked to one side – to say that I’m enjoying being bald would be a huge understatement.

For as long as I can remember, I have been messing with my hair. In primary school, I had long ginger locks. I’m talking long long. Parted in the middle, tucked behind the ears. I was that kid with the long hair. There’s always one, and it was me.

In secondary school, I don’t think I ever went a day without gel. I set early alarms. I missed the morning bus. I had the long, awkward journeys to school in the passenger seat next to an angry parent. But, most importantly, my hair was standing on edge, and every strand was exactly where it needed to be.

Then came college, and healthy experimentation. The fringe was up, then down. The gel was wet look, then matte. I shaved the back and sides, then just the sides. I got my first fade, and a side parting soon followed. I was studying to be a teacher, and this was it. The balance between stylish weekend student and competent weekday teacher is very fine, and I had perfected it.

Or so I thought.

At first, it was a lot wispier than I remembered, and a good breeze could get the better of me. It seemed to happen almost overnight. In an attempt to combat this, I went HAM. I backcombed, hair-sprayed, blow-dried, set, brushed, and gelled once more into position… only to be undone by the first puff of air as I opened my front door.

This battle raged for probably three, if not four, years. I was well aware of the fact that I was losing follicles on the daily, but I was also trying to do everything in my power to maintain this identity that I had created.

Like I said, I was that kid. My hair meant something to me. In my head, it held some mythical significance. It made me, me. And without it, well, I wouldn’t be the same.

The thing is, and I’ve only just come to terms with it really, but I will always be that kid. That will never change, and no amount of expensive hair product could ever bring me back to the glory days either.

So I bit the bullet during quarantine, accepted my fate, chose to buzz it all off, and the difference is night and day.

Now, I can scratch my head, like really scratch. I can throw on a hoodie and leave, without having to address the downpour of fallen soldiers. I can wear a hat, avoid the dreaded hat hair, and remove it without unveiling a sweaty fivehead.

But the biggest of all, I can walk past a reflective surface without worrying.

No more self-indulging glances or well-placed strokes of a comb. No more light patches to hide. No more strands to fix. No more elevator lighting to avoid. No more being held back by hair that couldn’t wait to leave.

To say that I’m kind of enjoying being bald would be a huge understatement because after a decade or so of managing my molting mane, I’m free.

But if y’all know a guy with blue pills or a wicked witch…

It’s (your) Corona Time

(Reading time: 3 mins)

Now that we have our five-step plan, we’re five steps closer to the end. But is anyone really thinking about these steps?

Will these steps be fully-grown adults strides or a bumbling baby’s first attempt at walking? Only time will tell, and our only certainty right now is that we have a few more weeks of solitary confinement ahead.

I started this blog back in 2015, and the very first post I wrote was about starting. Ironic really, given that I dodged it for the longest time.

I never shared it on Facebook or Instagram, I never talked about it with my friends, and it was something that embarrassed me because who even reads or writes these days?

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I am bald

(Reading time: 2 mins)

I am what the title says I am, if I wasn’t then why would I say I am, in the paper, the news, everyday I am, I don’t know, it’s just the way I am.

Shoutout 90’s kids!

But yeah, the title. What can I say. It’s been a crazy 24 hours of quarantine, I’ll tell you that much. It started off quite lighthearted and giggley. It was funny, and we laughed a lot, but we had just jumped on. We were ascending. The cart was on the incline and we were ticking.

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It all started 10 years ago

(Reading time: 2 mins)

So when all this started I was 16.

In 2010, I was 16 years old. A baby. The last decade has been huge for me, and probably the majority of my friends too. These years will always be the ones where we grew up – or should have grown up anyways!

The 2010’s taught me things that I didn’t even realise I wanted to know. And I don’t know why, probably the incessant 10 year challenges being shared online, but it got me thinking – a lot has happened.

I had my first kiss.

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26 things I’ve learned at age 26

(Reading time: 2 mins)

The big TWO-SIX, I know, happy birthday me! I think the title is pretty self explanatory so let’s not waste time…

  1. I am old as hell.
  2. Birthdays after 25 don’t really count so I’m not getting too excited. Continue reading

The essentials

(Reading time: 2 mins)





We’ve all clicked on and read these articles, scrolling quickly through the top ten, top five, or even top three pieces of clothing which WE MUST HAVE in our wardrobe.

We use this as a checklist. Black tee, “yep, I have one!” Skinny black jeans, “yep, I have them too!” Gucci flip flops, “ehh…”

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Get the strap

(Reading time: 1 minute)

The guys over at Daniel Wellington must be very proud of themselves after this one, and it is easy to see why.

When they decided to ditch the traditional notion of ‘one watch one strap’ for one watch many straps – they were changing the game. And ever since this decision, watch companies have been struggling to keep up.

In my opinion, interchangeable watch straps are like sandwiches – THE BEST GOD DAMN SANDWICHES EVER INVENTED.

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The Devil wears Primark 🙌🏻

(Reading time: 3 minutes)

Can we all collectively just take a second, and thank the fashion gods for creating the wonder that is Primark?

We can? Perfect.

Then let’s get a move on.

Primark has been a staple of wardrobes around Ireland for the last three decades, if not longer. I remember being dragged through the aisles by my mother on more than one occasion as a child. “We’ll only be here for a second,” was her famous line, “just a quick look.”

Fast-forward two hours, and we’re still there, and she’s still repeating that same sentence…

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To blog or not to blog

(Reading time: 3 minutes)

Starting a blog can be a frustrating experience because it takes a lot time and effort.

Time to take out our computers, and turn them on. Time to make the perfect brew which will power us and our ideas for the next two hours. Time to find the perfect playlist for typing, and the perfect font for our words.

And effort – it takes an awful lot of effort. What should I write about? Will this be interesting? Who will read it? Should I have a picture at the start? Or at the end? Is this the right word?

And in the midst of all this panic, another question comes along – do I even care anymore?

This was me.

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Addicted to social media

(Reading time: 2 mins)

Do you ever find yourself just scrolling through Instagram, and scrolling, and scrolling… and next thing you know, you’re three years deep in your favourite youtuber’s brother’s wife’s account looking through their 2014 holiday pics.


Just me… well, this is awkward.

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